Caring For Your Woven Wall Hanging

Caring For Your Woven Wall Hanging

I think many people are scared to purchase pieces of fiber art because they are worried about maintaining them. People assume they are dust collectors and will fall apart at even a withering glance. But the truth is, fiber pieces are super easy to maintain! I've broken down my top tips for caring for a woven wall hanging from unpacking it, hanging it on your wall, and advice on how to fix any errant threads over time.

First and foremost, when installing, make sure the correct size is showing. This may seem silly, but people often complement the BACK of my pieces. This is extremely kind of them, but I know they will be even more impressed with the front. 

To identify which side is which, look for the following. 

Front Side:

  • Clean lines & a polished appearance
  • Front sides of fabrics (where applicable)
  • Beading or fringe details

Back Side:

  • Tucked in ends & warp threads
  • Messy appearance
  • Back sides of fabrics (where applicable)

I often get asked, "how do you clean this?" when people see my fiber work. The answer is way easier than you think -- STEAM! That's right, using a clothes steamer, a steam cleaner, or just the steam in your bathroom is the best way to sanitize your piece. This is also the best way to maintain your piece over time.

It's possible some fiber ends may pop out during shipping. This is rare, but if it does happen, simply find a warp thread on the back of the piece (the threads that are running vertically) and place the end of the yarn behind it. This will hold it down and stay put.

You can always adjust the hanging height of your piece by loosening or tightening the hanging loop. If you want a sleeker look, remove this loop and hang your piece with two level nails. 

If you're looking for tips on where to hang your piece, check out my art styling guide here

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